Who Is This Guy???

The guy in the videos is Richard Grannon, a self defense online and offline instructor, who created the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ videos you can read about him here. Long story short, he studied marshal arts all of his life, and created a shortcut to the dirtiest street self defense techniques you can imagine.

If you are serious about learning the most ruthless, and dirtiest tricks in street fighting than the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ is your best option. In fact these teqniques are so ruthless, and dirty, that they won’t even allow them in MMA (Mixed Marshal Arts). Imagine that, EVEN the MMA, the most competitive, and dangerous sport on this PLANET, considers these moves as TOO MUCH.

Here’s what the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ has to offer:

DVD 1 is the foundation of this devastating system of Street Combatives
The Core Game plan
Training includes:

•An introduction to the Core Game Plan
•The Set Up – Setting your attacker up for a first strike
•SHOCK. Hit your attacker first and hit him hard
•BLAST. Deliver constant pressure to panic your attacker
•MAUL. Land heavy shots to drop your opponent
•CRUSH. Brutal and extremely dangerous fight finisher

DVD 2 gives detailed instructions in ‘dirty’ fighting techniques and shows you how to apply them in a street fight situation
Response to Common Attacks
Training includes:

•Foul Tactics- eye gouging, throat attacks, bites, to create fear and panic
•Head Controls- dominate your attacker by wrenching his neck and head
•Ripping – combine head controls and foul tactics to totally dominate your attacker
•Common Attacks – dealing with common street attacks preemptively and aggressively

Click Here To Visit The Official WebSite

Street Self Defense - Self Defense Online

Monday, December 20, 2010

Street Self Defense

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There are literally thousands of martial arts, self-defense, and close quarter combat systems out there. All of them have their place and each offers a different perspective which essentially depends on the goal of the student. For example, if the student's interest is in cultural traditions and historical applications of a chosen style/system, they should choose a style/system which emphasizes these particular aspects. However, if the student's interest is in self-defense they should also choose a style/system accordingly.

If your primary interest is in reality-based self-defense, you should be aware that there are a few primary components which should make up such a system. If any one of these components is left out it could ultimately compromise your ability to protect yourself or your loved-ones.

There are 5 primary components of any "reality" system and a few secondary components. These components together represent a complete and comprehensive reality-based self-defense methodology. The components are as follows-

1) Mind-Set & Emotional Conditioning - the willingness and determination to do whatever it takes to survive a violent situation is one of the most important components of real self-defense. Before a student can successfully utilize physical skills to protect themselves they must prepare mentally. This mental preparation is the key to reality-based self-defense.

2) Awareness - the ability to observe the world around us is far more important than any physical self-defense skill. By properly using awareness skills, most people can completely avoid potentially violent situations before they happen. Awareness skills include internal awareness, external awareness, general observation skills, and common-sense strategies such as learning how to not look, act, or think like a victim.

3) Basics - this obviously includes blocks, strikes, kicks, as well foundational concepts principles, and theories. The basics include the study of weapon techniques as well as empty-hand techniques. The techniques should be based upon simple gross-motor skills which can be used effectively under the stress of a real assault.

Obviously, all self-defense and martial arts systems contain the basics. Although, there may be different basics taught by different systems...generally they all offer some solid techniques somewhere within their curriculum. The key is to learn which basics are actually functional in potential life-or-death altercations and which ones are not.

4) Skill & Combat Drills - this includes simple skill developing drills which are used to build skills and attributes that can't be developed as efficiently by other means. Attributes include things such as speed, power, coordination, endurance, flow, conditioning, sensitivity, and others.

Skill and combat drills have been a topic of debate for some reality instructors. Some of these instructors and systems tend to focus on basics and scenarios, claiming that drills have no place in a reality-based curriculum. However, the fact is that without drills these systems will never allow a student to develop to their maximum potential. As mentioned above, drills develop attributes that are needed to survive life-or-death altercations. Any system that neglects these attributes is simply neglecting the student, PERIOD. To put it in perspective it must be pointed out that all modern sports and modern athletes use drills to develop attributes. All modern military branches and soldiers use drills to develop attributes. All academic schools in this country use drills to develop attributes. If your so-called "reality" instructor is slamming drills or slamming those systems that teach drills, it's time to find another instructor.

5) Combat Scenarios - this includes scenarios and situations based on what really happens in the world. They can include scenarios involving robbery, sexual assault, and other vicious physical attacks. The key to scenario training is to make it as realistic as possible while avoiding injury to yourself or your training partners. To make scenarios realistic we need to avoid the common martial arts situations and focus on what is seen out on the street. This means minimizing the commonly taught mount and guard wrestling positions taught in martial arts ground fighting...simply because they have little functional use out on the street. We should know how to deal with them just in case but instead of training for them why not train to avoid them altogether?

Scenarios are taught by a majority of styles and systems. However, the key to realistic training is understanding how those scenarios are taught and how they are used to develop the practitioner's protective & defensive skills.

First, the scenarios need to be based on real-life attacks. The traditional self-defense scenarios versus wrist grabs, for example, are OK to teach beginners, but the truth is that such scenarios do not reflect reality. Traditional ground-fighting positions do not reflect reality, traditional defenses versus karate-style straight punches do not reflect reality. To develop reality-based scenarios we must simply study real-life attacks and build scenarios around such attacks. The key is to progressively increase the reality and intensity of the scenarios to the point of being as close to real-life as possible without the negative consequences such as injury, death or emotional trauma.

The above five components should represent the foundation of any reality-based self-defense style, system, or course. Along with these foundational components we need to include physical conditioning and crime prevention.

The study of all of these components will provide the student with the knowledge and skill that's needed to survive violent situations.

Now that we have an idea as to what should be included in a reality-based self-defense curriculum let's take a look at some things that might not be appropriate for those seeking simplistic and realistic self-defense-

Uniforms- Although uniforms may have their place in a comprehensive cultural-based martial arts systems, they have no place in reality-based training. Simply put, to replicate reality we must train in the clothes we will most likely be wearing at the time of assault, if we are unlucky enough to be assaulted.

Punches- As mentioned in other articles, if your goal is to learn every facet of martial arts then punching skills definitely have their place. However, if the goal is to learn quick methods of street survival, pass on the punching. The reasoning is simple, punching is a learned skill that takes months, sometimes years, to master. Once mastered there are still no guarantees that the practitioner won't severely damage their hands when they need them the most...while being assaulted. Remember, the head contains the hardest bones in the human body, while the hands contain the weakest bones in the human body. Even with this common-sense understanding, it still amazes me how many self-defense courses emphasize punching skills over simpler and more effective techniques.

Traditional Blocks- Although the traditional blocks taught in many martial arts systems tend to work great in a controlled training environment they seem to lose their effectiveness out on the street, especially for those with less training under their belts. Chaotic assaults tend to cause a physiological response in humans. This response, referred to as the fight or flight response, tends to override some of the body mechanics learned through martial arts. In other words, some of these blocks do not represent our natural physiological response to actual real-life assaults. This may lead to conflict between the body's natural ingrained response and the trained response found through martial arts. Simply put, this may lead to a delayed physical & mental reaction to the threat which could lead to a negative outcome...for the good guy.

Traditional Kicks- These are a necessity for comprehensive martial arts training, but are inappropriate for real self-defense. Under the chaos of an assault, the act of standing can become difficult enough without having to worry about balancing on one leg. Remember, the feet are the foundation for the torso, if the foundation is weak so is everything else. Does this mean that kicks should not be included in a reality-based training program? It doesn't mean that at all but it does mean that we should limit the kicks to simplest and most effective ones, which includes the knee strike, the stomp kick, maybe a low front kick, and possibly a low round kick.

Traditional Ground Fighting- As mentioned previously in this article, ground fighting is needed to become a comprehensive martial artist. However, the need for traditional ground fighting in real self-defense is pretty slim. If a person finds themselves on the ground during an assault their goal should be to get back to their feet as quickly as possible in order to escape safely. The longer a person stays on the ground the greater the chances of severe injury or even death. Traditional ground fighting tactics emphasize locks, holds, submissions, and just plain wrestling, while reality-based ground tactics emphasize simple and efficient survival methods designed to enhance the ability to escape.

If self-defense is your primary reason for seeking out a training course, be sure that self-defense is what you are getting. Discuss your needs with the potential instructor. Be sure to ask questions and make sure you get the proper answers to those questions. If the instructor gives you the avoids or overlooks your questions, find another instructor. If you use this article as a guideline, you can't go wrong.

Steve is a holder of multiple martial arts black belts, a crime prevention specialist, and a certified self-defense instructor. He has taught personal safety to hundreds of men, women, and children. He currently operates Personal Safety Unlimited...an organization devoted to empowering communities through personal protection & safety education.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Self Defense Online

Self defense come in many different forms. De la Karate Gi for military fatigues your biker boots, the head of the Defense styles and put down the philosophies étiquettes uniforms. Then, according to on the form, he went to his self can be considered an art, a science, a mess, or a combination of all three.

In reality, self defense is a Liberal who brush used to paint all point is between hundreds of thousands of other two branches in fighting styles and techniques. Then, head distingue defense combat aggressive you sometimes difficult impossible for identifier, because in a confrontation every fight and there are many tipotre concours: when you protect yourself ...WHO is self defense, and sometimes a proactive and aggressive opponents is self defense tactics realistic, even if taking the form of offensive.

To self defense, designed to protect you in an attack, so this is essentially a system of counter-attacks or reaction force.But if a man up a short and you block it with a strong enough, we could be broken arm, made defense non-violent ... even in the eyes of the Court.

How many times have we heard about a court case involving a killing in self defence? the legal system définit self defense with a narrow interpretation, and from those who train for surprise defense often that legal investigation, it's a good idea to study your local law at the same time that you study the stars martial or another form of self defence training.

What do you learn from lawyers and salvation in court; and stay out of jail is at least as important in terms of true self defense as a saw Bruce Lee.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Jeff Anderson, who is the President of the international society of fighters, a close season organizaton-based members offering VWÈ head defense training to all members via ...

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To learn how network ISCQC the 30 top aircraft of world war and instructeurs take you real head defense training in computer storage directly each AND EVERY SEMÈN and interagir and other "average citizen" turn "modern day warriors", visit http://www.survive-the-street.com in.

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Critical consciousness crime for the woman head defence

Womens head defense is a essential part of every day training for women of all ages. Womens head defense classes and training available in the book as workshops, seminars, video and community classes. Study a martial art, living jusqu' here date community crime sensibilisation, you take a class in pepper spray training March you can help women throughout feel less like a target and inculquer in a sense of faith and control in their lives.

Unfortunately, violence against women is a century old reality. Womens self defense can organize instincts were necessary to prevent a war criminals targeting a victim, simply don't have knowledge of the way, is acting in order of space, and follow simple Rules for security in the area of your public urban.

Womens self defence should be learned for all ages, but especially in the teenage years senior year when criminals targeting women to violence for perçu physical weakness. Womens self defence training can show a woman to work in a bid to flying on you declined.

Training for entraînement head there is no defense to vaste and to register on-line. Simple postures and to act can prevent attacks become fatal. Womens head and defense as proof of age adage which is the knowledge of the glory of God.Just was not prepared how to act in the second divided into can make the difference between victims and survivors is a a criminal attack.

Womens head defense is a difficulty in entering the House, and its public or private; violence against women not only two étrangers. Womens self defence course should have a course basic physical defense and aggression, and training-confidence pressions a quality to move in a position of the command power solution participation in a fight.

For the nature of criminal and forensic science technology today, several violent criminals who leery out of other Identification evidence, towards the aggressors. Women head coach defense can a woman to absorb mark Identification and a description about it this is a prévenir air assault worse o become fatal.

Criminal Psychology and behavior types of aggressors show better way entraînement a head and defense annule.If a criminal choose a quality, it makes sense to learn from a top defense entraînement classes when you are in a book what kind of behavior to avoid prévenir for an attack.

It is important that a woman has at least one entraînement head defense trip ahead to international and, even when they came to age leads.Female driver alone became targets for thieves with the enemy Act.However, a top defense entraînement classes can make the difference between survival and is an attack victim violence insensés.

Of traditionally targets woman has to behavior provides a self defense Entraînement. and is a necessary investment: entraînement head defense séminaire may even go as déverrouiller dynamics during a play can assault and battery, have not suddenly affirmée behavior (which were able to learn) to avoid that the victim of an attack.


Roy Allen security Problems for women two conversation arose and her friends and relatives; protection of first take quality entraînement head [http://www.yourprotectionfirst.com] Defense and protection products, stun weapons. knowledge, to prepare.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Effective his blood defense training for women

What is your training program effective self defense for women who are now a day the majority of women want in a martial arts self defense classes you, is a good thing they want to know how to defend themselves from a assault and battery. They were not interested in all that mumbo trames appellative rituel, etc. in the traditional martial arts

Women to learn technical work in the streets. However, a common problem with nature is what we believe is a silver bullet was résout all the problems. For the head of defence training, him a bit of a coarse. The good news is that with a top defense programs.Méthodologie will come up with a natural talent who can become the next Uma Thurman in kill Bill, but on a personal level, they will improve and much knowledge in self defense.

A good martial arts and self defence classes and/or should have training sensibilisation, development tools and training aliveness. Sensibilisation you first line defense and is very important. Without sensibilisation you could go in every situation with your eyes closed and saids t-shirt, '' I hit. "Development Tools on improved elbow strike, you strike powerful knees what heavy. comeback, aliveness defense training is training on the children. You can learn how to defend yourself against a person living in a realistic réagir.

Aliveness And training, when does good any from the streets can learn to defend themselves situation defense [http://simpleselfdefense.blogspot.com] most self. Aliveness founded from motion, tensions and distribution. A car is characteristic and aliveness. Lets say you are working with its partners on the vision we are both part of average intensity sent from jabs in the other.Yes, your right Tripp sparring. Since we both know this technique is this coming. You can work on distribution to defend/love using block, evasiveness, footwork. Again as you will see this is the time that we work.

Wait a minute, I thought this is for women who are heads of Defense, I have no mind to do boxe.If you think still use this car characteristics are just for boxing, we will put an end to resume in self defense or dojo sparring, this is all about last. Then all what we do about the same moment, plus, but it helps. Aliveness is a training program to apply inestimable.This Element can be incorporated in women head of Defense.

As I mentioned earlier, when executed aliveness, be sure to do so in a way progressive. You will find weaknesses and great point.I suggest to you that we really work on this weakness, keep in mind you these pratiquer self air defense in a timely manner progressive, so don't worry, I do not say that flying in the now, but later.

Everything about most women training in self defence defend against a stronger opposite sex.Yes, I agree the average six-foot male will physically stronger than a woman five five.For this reason, but because it is so very important for women to learn fixed head defence technical ordinary people.Self defense Training is also needed and sound complétée sensibilisation and defusion verbal training, so that they can communicate effectively and avoid a physical confrontation.

About sensibilisation for women who are heads of defense in mind another conversation in the future.I will stress on sensibilisation, is that it is a want. Sensibilisation for women who are heads of Defense is the most 2. aware that First thousands and level alert. Second projetant your body like a target difficult. Most predators looking for targets don't worry, as the meek, and estimate.

Yellow Hines, a consultant for several private self defense security and law enforcement agencies; 17 last year background in the field of law enforcement/security and teaching martial arts studies; for more information on this issue, please see his blood simple defense [http://simpleselfdefense.blogspot.com] & simple knife defense [http://knife-selfdefense.blogspot.com] to solution items and products.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Own the best products for women who are poor

Self defense is a growing problem in a time the most violent Earth. The majority of women, in fact, not against him. This put them in a greater disadvantage because they have no problem is suspected of involvement. For women top products can sauvetage defense. The key is in getting the best choice in self defense items.

There is a variety of sprays pepper to be used in face of defense weapons. Some of them even better than all these déguisée easily. Some cases have sprays pepper in a Rouge year car nose.Other pepper Sprays come in the form of rings and other jewelry; type of head defense items, which is easy to read a hater.

District could also be used as woman head for defense weapons. A hater ears a sound loud, ont, are more likely to go back and let the scene District personnel also often déguisée. Sometimes in the form of two lampes, they might have pepper sprays, personal Alarms and other Milk.But there is a Flash was in their hearts the woman head of Defense. There are also District personnel to be as clear in the prison, you can attached to key in prison.

In most cases, the best self defense items women can use is étourdir. Don't have a great to choose.Many of the self defense products and déguisée easily one weapons étourdir used for women who are the top defense do fit cell phone. They took two top charges as 950,000 volts. Best weapons étourdir have disabling nails and they will be useless to those if empare from the woman.

If a woman who are still not satisfied with all of this is self defense weapons, tasers a next logical step. After all, a weapon is 85% effective étourdir but tasers them virtually 100% effective with try to tasers and women head of Defense came something. ''Tasers have gone up against all any how great you how crafty.Tasers, and it is not good for 15 feet aim. This means that the woman haters need not chance to take weapons self defense.

Since women often know him not, it is not reasonable to consider to win may this time women head defense products might need at home.While there are many used for hidden spy cameras, women head of Defense is certainly one of them; for example, if a stalker woman, go into a hidden spy camera can record the activity when he had gone there are some cameras will record only when there are changes in the room, others will record all time in a computer at home.

Women head defense more serious if self defense weapons available, even better, depending on what they know about the market and select the wisdom: it is important for women to know their own habit and préférences before buy her head defence products.

Ray Subs work with Ah security-first as a public relations consultant, for more information on the head of defence products can be found in Head DEFENSE PRODUCTS

Find out what when you're surrounded by a HIDDEN SPY CAMERAS

Monday, December 13, 2010

Better Self-That technical

6 better Self-That technical

It was a cold evening January and the Sun was an old man. Fragment the two lights, garage only in areas see gloomier and more menacing. Bettye Floridan hâte machine after work, his eyes darting around like a mouse, heart pounding. He Was suddenly feel a grab for derriere. This is when he survival instincts, and training, he kicked autodéfense.Bettye hips move a sewing machine and well let him down to blanket the man after him, boxe. and other but unfurled his pepper spray key chain, which, Fortunately, has come from for the led at home.

Combination and wool to the full dose of pepper spray to face the sound stagger back, Bettye time to fly in his car, lock the doors, and faster; Autodéfense survived his life and enregistre thousands of lives a year. Autodéfense easy to learn and there are many AIDS autodéfense market to help your arm versus violent criminals.

Self-That.What is there for you to do

Bettye did everything is fine.

1. He made it clear out with his steps to the car.
2. He was aware of the surroundings.
3. ready and pepper spray.
4. it was clear for the man to incapacitate du.

But he was not without attacking: be careful it won't keep you, for this reason, your security into the hands of our own and autodéfense.

Autodéfense is a good technical can learn a lot of local community centers or classes karaté. Police recommend and RADD, which is very popular, because the head of defence training.But if we can't get a blow here other actions you can take to autodéfense against you.

Self-1), That intercourse eyes

If you see a character suspect, at least if he or she knows that you see now it square in the eyes of the show that you know it is there; it seems that you will be quiet, element surprise will come to us.

2) self-That. your arm and

Dangerous weapons of mass destruction; for they will put you to death. If you choose to take up arms to the orders of weapons and a training course to become a absolute experts use. keep in mind that if haters get his hands on her and you will be in greater danger than we are:We suggest pepper spray rather than it incapacitates haters and to you for free, is the most important.

3) Head of Defense.aimed at their soft spots

Targets for the wool, including Bettye did, you even higher, eye. Poker your haters in the eyes of the thumb and twist.Him walking on the Earth looking eyeball, and go to security.His rough, but it work.

4) self-That.use your hands

Aimed at the bottom part of your Palm in the face of the enemy and not nose with a motion when hit your hand. stronger and you seems to be broken nose haters.

5) self-That.call for help

Clever this serious passersby. Sometimes may not have knowledge of you in trouble, Screaming "Don't!" and "call 911!" alertes others situation for you haters know you say nothing, it can go.

6) Head of Defense.stay where you are

If you turned away from all the sound control led you go, you take you to another place where he could our fields and on aggression, you hurt you more Fight like hell., never, never got into a car and hate your chance for their survival slim if you dragged you take someplace else. Follow steps 1-5 to make sure it lost on you.

High, and when he came, we recommend autodéfense. confidence if you strength, faith, wisdom, alert, and self-assured, we can protect yourself and autodéfense, salvation. Spray pepper and District personnel is great tools.But, you should also know what action to take to improve self defense: Autodéfense, a form of art, and your life is précieux more than anything a thief were stolen.

Ralph Winn by 35-year-old education and experience in the security industry. do you one of the many Americans who began to look into improving their home security? this is a problem and store important security home offering best protection against theft and vandalism.

Living here jusqu' vitesse and broken News security and technologies.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Head defence advance-issue seven other level seven training system in Silat

The head defense move in silat plan that unites seven levels. Each Level is on special skills self defense. What level marking and belt just like any other self defence or martial art. Seven levels is white belt, belt blue belt Brown belt, belt, yellow green, red and black waist belt. For every level, every exponents silat needed maître seven subject who emphasize skills in specific request level. Issue seven. Bunga (which the exponents teach how to maître defensive positions and substitution), Jurus (which includes art attack and Defense), Belebat (who teach students to art movement and defensive compteur attacks), Tapak (the routine on how to against your movement stimulus footprint), Buah (the artist self defense), Tempur Sinite (the artist combat self defense) and the Tempur Beladiri (the fast action combat sparring).

Exponents silat démarre every man to learn two easy skills advance skills compare to seven other.On the first level, (white belt), the exponent to Anak Gelanggang you Beginner Silat exponents Title. level that students will learn how to maître basic skills of silat, balance between capacity and psychology, the father of light control and intellectual development; two approach increased physical and mental aspects and all positive activities silat.

Second level (blue belt), exponents will give you first to Pesilat Remaja junior Silat exponents Title. Level this element with self defense and clear how to apply their knowledge and skills self defense unarmed martial arts performance night in you concours. Exponents Silat will self defense can get advance skills to develop practice and Cultivation of moral value in better method.The goal is to produce a community harmony and exponents as well to develop estimate force to succeed.

For three levels (Brown belt), receive the exponents Pesilat Perkasa or second rank junior Silat exponents Title. Level this was seated on the basic motion, method, manner and Silat as Malaysian Defence self; this Level to emphasize enforcement Nations in terms of art, self defense martial arts and traditional mess.

The fourth level (yellow belt), the exponent to Pesilat Muda you Young exponents Silat. Title Target, so that the method is aimed at strengthening Malaysian Silat in terms of form and emotion method way self defense. At the same time exponents silat will heritage unconsciousness of silat essences, practice and develop skills in martial stars Bunga. measuring head of Silat defense martial arts skills, and martial sports. Silat establish movements eight positive value, which can form a want healthy.

The fifth level (green belt), exponents will give you Title Silat exponents Pesilat. Level this teach exponents to join martial stars movement self defense particularly catching methods followed by strike and put on the Earth, verrouillage and technical attack compteur. against attack technique that all was not your head pelepas release engineering. Silat Exponents will also learn how to use stimulus stage as '' melilit, come down around enemy to expand self defense system; the Exponent silat are so that you not Sikap Pendekar Warrior attitude as way of life or through physical or spiritual aspects. A that is a Warrior who has knowledge, practice and habile in silat inside (spirituellement) and one (physically), one is used for he has knowledge of artisanat good room for Justice and peace and a soul calm with physical properties based on habit of Malay, art and culture in parallel with syarak, based on the spirit of a warrior majestic chivalrous.The attitude of this Warrior is underwritten by Anuar Pendita Abdul Wahab, founder of Malaysia Silat.

The sixth level (red band), the exponent to Pendekar Muda you junior Title. Warrior level this exponent silat will learn the system where it was not active on penyerang method you active silat exposant. This approach is a powerful method for the defence of our particularly against 3 or more.As silat both as artists in war, this concept from what method.In addition to the exponents will train to use multi-stage training weapon this exercise looked like during the session and the sinite Tempur.The kaedah pemotong not you that active penyerang not then to develop ten Tempur Beladiri (combat training) like silat from movement human anatomy, and training activities will parfait silat every self defense in a dream.

The seventh level (black belt), exponents will give you Title Pendekar Warrior in this scene the warrior take that origin of Silat artist fighter multiple aspect of knowledge, skills and systems follow traditional Malay warrior. attitude is the same attitude in Warrior: the Warrior to train will become silat guru to apply the head defense advance education for others, and also exhibited for Science teaching, administration, spiritual, technique and co.-curriculum in an attempt to strengthen community, religion, race and nation.

This article was submitted by Cikgu Nizam, a world leading experts and top defence coach. stuffy do you get advice on defence self move items useful? find out more about self defense will not http://www.selfdefenseknife.org

Friday, December 10, 2010

Head defence-together with you

Self defense. Is block self-defense property, one of the other two help you handle physical.

Legal Session.The claim that an act of criminal otherwise was legally justifiable because it was necessary to protect a man or of threatening the action in another person.

Protect legal mandate for defense because of you if you hurt you when you put all those who were otherwise would have caused danger is when you think self defense that you do not think about that. Our main goal is to escape, and no risk or danger.

When should one use self defense? When you feel your life is in love with life ceux is in danger. You would avoid the situation that would put you in danger. You should always park in many good allumé, parking on the street, but allumé, avoid doorway you dark streets if possible, and still be on your guard. If you have the opportunity to go in the group you have at least one friend. If you company security I am sure that the obligation should be to help you for your car.If you go in the streets and see someone that could hurt you the sea-if you think that a man come after you, yet the sea-land Can you walk in a store you business open. You can even cause a scene may be marked with a loud voice, and for those who, you will see him not, most will avoid.

When you get your House ready and key to your House. If you do not already have timers will keep you out of your open space light. When the lights you should eat the main meal of the day before you have at home, as he became dark. Which allow for night when these words early.If you have a city installé street light it should as far as the West, if it is not named in a complaint. If you have a cell phone call a friend your loved one, until you take into account; if you don't want to disturb them prétendre you are on the phone.This will make every effort haters think we are on the phone, this dissuader any attack. it'll work. Maybe not 100 percent of the time, but this is an effective method.

So avoid the situation, he did not put yourself in a vulnerable position, where is the best self defense you can do. Intuition, combined with your sanity, can help you out of trouble.

And if not enough? Some situations may not able to avoid, and there are many things which can do to help in the defense. The number one thing is not to have faith in Movie scenes. The Reality is a kick to the groin, a key to eyeball, long enough for a throat is not a movement effective self defense. They can be better, but only if effectuée correctly and marked. If technical weekend is over and our goal is not correct, you have really made you angry assaulter. This in return just makes it much more aggressive.

There are many tools on the market that could best items and self defense. There is no close up self defense weapons.These items, but not limited to stun weapons (for that attack near or grab). Technology today added and performance of weapons étourdissement. Now we can find étourdir weapons like a flash light. Including a gun étourdir which appear to be in cell phone (for surprised element). Favoris security officer is étourdir. But there is a security element that when taking lower than point étourdissement still send a charge for those who will put him to the Earth. Many more styles and formes on today's market, you may need to find one to fit your personality.(Please check your State or country law on these items)

Most people get if we can prevent a assaulter from a distance it would have been better.These items are but not limited to March your pepper sprays. you can find these items look like étonnamment Rouge, ring, tweezers, pagers, and attaching even on key ring. Also you can buy larger containers, but sometimes surprise can only as dangerous. Spray can Range from 25-6-foot. Kind of self defense can make effective and allows you to. (Please check your state law countries on this item)

If you opt-out information for a étourdir, March, you spray pepper the idea is to allow you to leave the area.The last thing we want to do is stay around and excuse me.Once assaulter is down you crying because his eyes burning, go, call the police, and they will be glad for another day.

All other self defense system and method take a self defense class.Some self defense classes offer for March, pepper spray, armament étourdir, and tasers.You can find a lot of self defence classes that can show you simple advance advance for most advanced Training; is for you.The more you train and study more lethal and accurate we will come back.The best way, in fact the only way to prepare you to an attacker is to take an classes autodéfense. you may make use of secret Arts martial for Defense, like karaté, kwon in tae kwon do, chi Chi, Capoeira, Soho, and list would proceed. Great for discipline and training, and as well as self defense; the issue is when you want to study before you can defend yourself. classes are available that show you in a single day, how to fight off a prédateur.These classes are no longer and établi.But you can take a series of classes to advance your self defense: look at this small for points to your local YMCA, call your local police department; if they cannot make two help Google "top defense your city and the United States."

Self defence together with you ...You don't need a victim, a great number of people, a statistic, you remember children growing a. to prepare, ready, self-defense.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

3 Ennuyeux Myths in defense

There are many self defense mythes and faussetés. Unfortunately, every martial artist who gives ear is fallen victim to one or more. There is no different in this case.

Yet there are three great appeared to Tower at the past and the past: in the two exposant mythes, I show you that today.

Annoying Myth # 1.There is a way for poor/Course

Forums who call those who claimed responsibility for self defense and this is for the defence of self, when you are in a way this is the way for the defence of self; and these are often warriors Clair inventé Forum.

This is often a blow affilié securities specific you just wannabe martial artists, many of who never had in fighting serious in their lives. Not many comments from people confuse.

In the true way, when you want to determine a kind of self defense, a number of things in the game. This is big you? how strong are you? This is the way you learn?These things were done in the game when you determine the best method for you.

You also get see school. Well do students.

Don't forget, we are looking for a sane defense school, you don't need to find very good. This is a trip length of life. You just need to find a good schools that'll show you how to work the case that two self-defense. Tripp.

Once you find who, then, only if you choose to, you can start looking for schools that can advance your technical because you will know what to get.

So in a brief, rather than to focus on quality, just find a way we think things go well for you, and a school where the teacher is a good kominikate who have answers to your questions and students have good warplanes.

Annoying Myth # 2.You can become a completely commandos in Just a few days with this take-Home defense and his blood.

You are probably see ads on the internet or in the magazine self defense. Some law enforcement you top secret army man! they top secret self defense techniques will turn you into an army of super soldiers in days.Will you be looking for, you can learn how Holy battage.

Again, we do not take self defense against House blows. There is a wonder ceux that, when used in conjunction with living martial arts training can really help you to improve your technical arrangements.

But when a visiting artist escroquerie the family course (s) can deliver impossible results and many small training, you have to wonder. Opinion we are, when you see the offer that, take on stimulating nerve. do some advice and some very good, but not anything that will make you a man or a woman army.

So again, training in a school that is mixed with take self defense martial art house can be excellent if there is one right. But food head home defense blood good training in a school can often incomplete.Let us for a real life and death situation.

Annoying myth # 3.But from our own, and is its own best you poor weapons

Myth this absolutely ridicule, and made me angry more than anything that this myth that the family is no better weapons self defense than having two hands and feet.And I, sillier is not of a myth.

Those who head defense-Champaign souhaite and caviar dreams, believing that the war is empty-handed this is the only way to go, let me elaborate ...

You're walking, laughing a hater said your car, you said to them, I don't think so, and up ducs.Haters and shot from a gun.Whoever victor?

I can almost guarantee you will your legs.

Now, if you had been specially trained in the art of unarmed combat military, law enforcement, and martial arts you have chances better than. However, the knowledge of and understand the importance of using more than just you and feet.

Now there is no erronée, training in fighting empty-handed is a very good idea.His condition, and show you how to defend yourself.However, empty but combat should only be used as a cover to absolute last year.

The truth is the best self defense weapon you can use is not your hands or feet, or another thing for these things. better weapons self defense is brain; in other words, fashioned from common good.

Think about it for a second; if you don't have a choice of a way to stop a criminal deaths in train, I'm sure you could think of about 3 or 4 could better then only use empty your hands.

For example, you are thinking about taser use weapons, to stop them dead in trains: you may want to use a pepper spray to shoot on to 6 feet away you could hit with a weapons étourdir and running like heck, you could get you a stone and bricks, and let him go.

You will see what we mean?

Too many people think the world is a kung fu movie, so name it; voyous true in the earth not only hurt you, you will not be put to death, no food on the abilities of your hands empty. so we need to do as much as you can to pound legal chances subsidies in favor of you.

But what happens if a man let me self defense weapons?

But there is a possibility that this can happen, but again, to educate yourself on self defense products you can reduce a lot of luck to evil if. for example, did you know that most weapons étourdir a PIN désactiver, once removed renders the system inoperable? this means that they will not get targeted étourdissement on your.

You may also want to think of the fact that there are the advantages of a self defense weapons on far far Sur inconvénients don't have anything to defend yourself with.

Think of a weapon for the defence of self as for détournement. it is a doorway in a difficult position, so if you find yourself in a situation where a man will take you head defence arm go away, or tussle with them; let him loose in the face; use it to exploiter and, still, as if your life dépendait on him; for in truth it.

Nerode passionnés Abraham is a martial art, and did research on vaste area self defense who. you can find out more and buy products, including self defense weapons, Taser Stun guns and pepper spray [http://www.projectsecuritycorp.com] Nerodes in websites.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Self defense weapons, what is the best weapon for Defense?

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If you are thinking of purchasing a gun, or other "self-protection" device such as pepper spray or an alarm, then you are obviously concerned about your personal safety. You know it is essential to learn how to defend yourself, now more than ever! Today, not only do you have to worry about criminals, but now terrorists as well! What is this world coming to? Would you know what to do?

You may be thinking, "Well, I'll just get a gun!" Unfortunately, real-world tests have shown that overall , weapons (or other "self-defense" products) are often ineffective when it comes to self-defense. Why?

There are many factors that contribute, but the main reason weapons are ineffective is, if the weapon is not in your hand at the moment of attack, you will never get the chance to use it! But, the law does not allow you to walk around with a gun in your hand, and most studies show that people soon forget to carry the various types of self-protection devices they purchase.

Even if you have a stun gun or pepper spray in your purse or pocket, if caught by surprise, you won't have a chance to get it out before you get decked! Mace does you no good if it is still in the purse that just got snatched out of your hand! Tests prove that 90% of the time, you will never get the chance to reach for your weapon before you are hurt too severely to use it.

FBI statistics and Police reports from all over the country show that in more than half of all instances where the victim was able to get to a "weapon" (usually sprays are mentioned), the attacker knocked it out of their hand before they could use it. Police files are filled with tens of thousands of incidents of weapons taken away from the victim and used against them! It is estimated that almost one third of all gunshot victims are shot with their own gun! The figures are even higher when it comes to stun-guns and sprays.

This doesn't even include all of the incidences where the victim shoots themselves! Accidental discharge is the leading cause of gunshot wounds in both crime and non-crime reports. You may think that wouldn't happen to you, but the reports prove that it happens to even experienced gun owners.

I know of a Police officer, even after extensive training , the first time he tried to use Mace against an unruly suspect, ended up spraying himself.

Unfortunately, most people have little or no training as to the safe and proper use of the weapons in their possession. Inadequate, or even improper training is the leading cause of accidental discharge involving guns, stun-guns and sprays. What do you think will happen when they attempt to use that weapon under the stress of a real attack?

There are literally millions of incidents reported where the victim couldn't get the weapon to work at all, mainly because of inadequate training! Even the most basic principles of weapon usage are often overlooked by owners. The figures are stunning (pun intended) of the number of incidents of stun guns that didn't work when needed because of dead batteries!

There are thousands upon thousands of reports of guns that wouldn't fire because the safety was on, and the user didn't know, forgot, or was too panicked to figure it out in time. In at least one incident I am aware of, the victim couldn't get his weapon to fire before the criminal took it away from him. Lucky for him, the criminal couldn't figure it out either.

Defective or Fraudulent Products

I'm sure you have purchased products that didn't quite work as advertised. How can you be sure that the pepper spray you buy will work as well as advertised, if at all? How will you test it? Spray yourself? Spray a friend? We're not talking about perfume! I doubt you will get any volunteers to help you.

When the criminal attacks, it is too late to find out that the pepper spray is really just vinegar, or that the 10 million volt stun-gun doesn't deliver much more of a shock than shuffling across the carpet and touching a doorknob.

If you buy a police radar detector that is guaranteed to work, but doesn't, the result is a speeding ticket. If you buy "self-protection weapons" that don't work, the result can be severe injury or even death. Relying on someone else's guarantee is only a false sense of security that will only have bad results!

If you are serious about Self-Protection, your best self defense weapon is your mind . If you think about what has just been discussed, you will realize that 'weapons' will only help you in ideal situations, and even then, you need to keep a clear head to be able to use them properly.

But, crime doesn't happen in ideal situations!

Being able to think clearly, and knowing what to do, is your best weapon when it comes to self-defense. Second best is being able to use your feet. Now, that doesn't mean to start kicking! It means that at the first sign of trouble, you need to RUN! Escape is always a much better self-defense tactic than getting into a struggle or a fight.

However, if you can't get away, your body is your best self-defense weapon! Since you cannot always have a weapon in your hand, it is essential that you know how to defend yourself without weapons. But mindless flailing against an attacker does you no good at all. You need to learn the most vulnerable points on the human body. But even that isn't enough if you don't know the most effective ways to strike them. You need to learn how to kick, not just where to kick.

Everyone should at least take a basic self-defense course .

What about Martial Arts?

Traditional Martial Arts are great for disciple, self-confidence, and exercise. They can help to produce the correct mindset needed when faced with a self-defense situation. But it usually takes several years to become proficient in the more complex techniques.

If you have the time to commit to a long-term training program, by all means, a martial art will provide the most comprehensive training. However, just as in choosing a self-defense weapon, you must do your homework before choosing a martial arts program. Many don't deliver the comprehensive training they promise, and most don't train you for realistic self-defense.

Far too many martial arts programs focus greatly on sports and competition. Sports and competition oriented martial arts are worthless as self-defense. They teach you to follow rules, and for the most part, there are no rules in a street fight. If you are conditioned to follow the rules, you can't do what is necessary in a dangerous situation. In fact, you will probably do the wrong thing, and get yourself hurt or even killed.

Seek out a training program that focuses almost exclusively on realistic self-defense scenario training.

Knowing how to handle yourself when confronted with violence is your only insurance against becoming a victim, or just another statistic in a police report. You have car insurance, home-owner's insurance, life insurance, health insurance...

What insurance do you have against being the victim of a violent crime? That type of insurance is only available through proper training. A long-term self-defense program offers the most comprehensive training, and therefore, the best opportunity to learn to handle almost any situation that may occur. However, if you don't have the time to commit to a long-term program, at least some form of weaponless self-defense training is better than none.


If you are serious about self-protection, your best bet is to first learn weaponless self-defense. Then, if you still want to purchase a weapon, do your homework before choosing the best weapon for you, and don't just read the instructions that come with it and think you are ready to use it.

Take a class on how to use it effectively, how to handle it safely, and how to maintain it so it works when you need it.
Take regular refresher courses so you don't forget anything about the weapon.
Follow all maintenance procedures on a regular basis.

Your best bet is to learn weaponless self-defense and get the best weapon for you. Remember, you will never feel safe until you have all the tools necessary for self-protection. And the most important weapon of all is your own mind and body!


Strong, Sanford - Strong on Defense ; Simon & Shuster, Inc.; 1996

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Uniform Crime Report ; 2000

Mark Jordan is a 5th Degree Black Belt in Budoshin Jujitsu, Vice-president of the American Ju-Jitsu Association, the head coach of the Harvard-Westlake High School Jujitsu team, and a Certified Self-Defense Instructor with the International Association of Close Combat Professionals. You may find out how to contact him for training, or read more of his articles by visiting his website: AllJujitsu.com.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The truth on their own without personal defense weapons

Though I do not put something for a short time, gens, but these days, it seems like more about I-NER-list then don't have time for. In fact, every day I what inspiré my seat are writing today.

It seems like my days I took are also required to a question about self defense weapons. Are they legal? Do I should take one? Do they really work?(And a witness to them really work for the defence of self). ...How do I know how one really going to work for me?

The truth is, it is not really unique answer your questions this is a question which has a personal response personnel for each person.So I'll do that I can help know of any fog Etazinite on this, and we will start with a simple definition for the term "self defense weapons."

Autodéfense.Law of one of the young men to defend the interest of hit by using physical force or argument.

. All your weapons vehicles being used to infliger danger on another, whether to attack or defense.

So after of this article, we will consider a defensive weapons self some weapons vehicles being used to handle in self-defense or physical attacks on site ...Simple enough.

Personal Defense Weapons come in many formes and obesity.In fact, only about no used for self-defense could is considering a self defense weapons.So instead of creating a list of self defense weapons (which is practically endless), I will just see on some of their common to those who support.

First let's talk about a self defense weapons is not ...

A self defense weapons is not lively and a leader of its own.In other words, he did not think himself, and he seated enroulés, opportunity to hit in a people waiting for a self defense weapons is a tool, nothing more, and that a tool, it depends on what you do with him; A weapons can be very useful to keep you safe. However, you have to remember some things certain ...


Once you have a gun, doesn't mean you are automatically safe, so do not go through a section in the town, in the middle of the night and take a handful of big money.And flip on the local gang leader only because you have a gun in your Pocket


And most important, you need to have faith in our ability to use it; only had a gun doesn't mean it will help all at all: it is actually a great problem in the middle.Military and law enforcement research confirmed that those who lack faith in a system or device not resort to in a stressful situation.

Many people are seriously injured in violent rencontre self defense weapons and personal right.At the time of high blood pressure, are not thought to use it you doubt his ability to impact the situation; Maybe they are afraid that it would have been only made things worse.

So if you are thinking about a personal self defense weapons, be sure you are prepared to learn how to use; and practices to turn to the right with him; all you need to prepare to use the system in an agressive prédateur, protect yourself by not carrying a personal arms security with an intent to "fake" quality.This is a way that if your weapons will be taken away and used against you.So if you are not prepared to be his servants with resolution, does not feel.


You bought to keep your eyes open and pay attention, and you need to know how to take and use your weapon of choice, and which if you don't, you can't have a chance to use it. Weapons a help if it is still in his pockets, and a pepper spray or a weapon étourdir not too good if he is still in the bottom of your purse, or in the kitchen drawers in the House when you could be attacked.So when are you carrying a weapon for the defence of self, be sure you can get to quickly if need be.

People rarely left their homes think, "Gee, I think I'll go out, death, or a mugger a rapist today!"What happens to most top defense weapons is nouveauté all luxury them soon as oublié, then, a way for a pleated bottom, glove Box of vehicles, you after a filing cabinet kitchen.They won't make you better: so you rest, like you're considered practices enough to carry out with you at all times.


Over inflated claims, and promise of rapide, take them everywhere in business autodéfense. Many gadget vendeurs and wannabe autodéfense experts exaggerated benefits and capabilities of systems and products.

You need to understand, and that for a self defense weapons, and a plan after. remember that nothing is ever 100% effective ever: a Weapon only 99% effective, Sometimes people with bullets, but they still don't get out again, I don't know anyone who would say an effective weapon.

For this reason, know anything work 100% in the air, no problems self defense weapons you decide to carry out, you should have after a plan to defend yourself ... only get up


A lot of statute law and first Start. about weapons, targeted, carrying a gun, etc. but also the law about étourdir, pepper spray gun, knife, etc., after Nearly have to do and weapons can be used, and under which circumstances.

Do what we can to learn about gun laws in the area, but, more importantly, use a little common sense, to be a weapon from a man because he has given us traffic is a North-North, and shot a man in the face with pepper spray because they took all parental meeting this is not to use good judgment, so that when learning to use self defense weapons, you also learn law regarding weapons, and when you can and cannot use it legally.

So there you have it, some basic vérités about self defense weapons.
Can I go for another half-time about personal defense weapons, and not gone from what to say.But this article had already passed a thousand-mark, so I will finish it here: bottom line is if you will bring an arms for the defence of self, be sure you know how to use it, and even prepared to use at food will happen.

Until next time, stay safe and to be here.


Rubin is the owner THAT the North American security products, LLC, a company to provide your average dédié to protect and defend yourself against crime; for more information on his blood defense weapons visit www.naselfdefense.com where you will find a line in whom all of weapons autodéfense and personal security products

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Self-classes That woman the Fallacy two women top defense

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There are many who say women learn self-defense better in an exclusively women-only environment. The so-called "experts" say it is less intimidating if women don't have to compete with the men, or, it is easier (more comfortable) to discuss subjects like rape without men present. So, the new trend in self-defense programs is "Women's Self Defense" classes.

I don't agree with this line of reasoning, because the overwhelming evidence suggests that this is the wrong approach. I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "I took a women's self-defense course once. But, I went home and tried some of the stuff on my husband (or boyfriend), and it didn't work!"

There is nothing more confidence-shattering than to spend the time learning all the techniques and starting to feel good about yourself, only to have the bubble burst the first time you try out your new-found skills. Women then begin to feel there is nothing they can do to protect themselves when they can't even make it work against someone who isn't really trying to hurt them.

The real shame is when someone is really attacked, and after repeated attempts, can't make their self-defense techniques work. At that point, they simply give up, and won't fight back no matter what. I can only imagine that someone in that situation would look back on the time or money spent for self-defense classes and feel that they had been victimized twice!

Why "Women's Self Defense" Programs Don't Work!

Most of the people who take my self-defense classes are women. Sometimes, I even have a class that is all women. However, that is by coincidence, not design. Women who sign up for my classes know that there may be both men and women in the class. Whether there are actually men in the class is not important, after all, I am instructing the class, so there is always at least one man in the class.

The point is, if a woman is so intimidated by men, that she will not even take a self-defense class with men, she will never survive an attack by a man. Why? Because "intimidation" is just another word for fear. Until she can prove to herself the techniques work on a man, she has done nothing to help her get over her fear of men.

If she is ever attacked, it will probably be by a man! If she hasn't gotten over her fear of men, she will immediately panic, no matter what she has learned. If she hasn't learned how to deal with the bigger, stronger, more aggressive male, she will not understand how the dynamics of the situation will change in the real world!

Women MUST practice self-defense techniques against a man! Otherwise, how will she know they work against a man? This is what we call "realistic scenario training" (more about this later). If she has only practiced self-defense techniques with other women, she gets a false sense of security that her techniques will work in the real world. But, an even bigger problem is that most of what is taught in these so-called "women's self-defense" classes wouldn't work anyway!

Poor Teaching Methods

Much of what is taught as "women's self-defense" is not only ineffectual, but insulting as well. Courses intended only for women assume they are weak, less capable of defending themselves, and therefore need different methods from men to counteract violence. Women have been told to "yell 'FIRE', carry a hat pin or umbrella to jab at him, do something vulgar to gross him out, like tell him you have VD." If any of that junk worked, we'd be teaching men to do the same thing.

The following sample of bad advice still shows up in high schools and women's self-defense courses:

"Confrontation always makes everything worse. Don't react-it might be an overreaction. Don't add to the violence by becoming violent yourself. Don't make him mad. Trying to escape risks escalating the problem."

These ideas are wishful thinking or blind optimism. Experience at real crime scenes teaches you something very different.

Imagine if the percentages of women and men raped were 50-50 instead of 98 percent women and 2 percent men. [Outside of prison, those are the true percentages.] Now imagine someone telling men, "Don't overreact to rape, guys. Go along with his demands so you won't be hurt." I think you can see there might be a double standard that is completely unfair to women.

Doing Nothing

Doing nothing against a violent attack is the biggest risk of all because it makes resistance and escape later far more difficult. Worse, statistics show it actually increases the likelihood that violence will escalate, especially when the crime is rape. The most profound example involving resisting (doing something) versus submitting (doing nothing) was a Department of Justice study of rape published in 1985:

Rapists do not normally pre-arm themselves with weapons. Only 23 percent of 1.6 million cases studied involved knives or guns. [The major exception to this are rapists who break into a residence; 96 percent grab a knife from the kitchen.]
Approximately 51 percent of women resisted in some form, ranging from screaming to fleeing, to fighting back; the remaining 49 percent did nothing.
When broken down between resistance or submission, there was only an increase of two percent in the injury level to the women who resisted.

Yes, there is always a risk involved in fighting back, but there is just as much risk in doing nothing. If you face a rapist and do nothing, he'll rape you. If you face an armed criminal forcing you into his car and do nothing, he'll kidnap you. The "do-nothing" group believes that in doing nothing, they risk nothing.

Doers, in contrast, have simple and direct reasons for taking action: "If I don't do something fast, it's going to get worse."

False Claims

Another problem is the false sense of security given by unsubstantiated claims. One direct-mail women's safety device provides an "instant and easy self-defense" video for women.... "Can you point your finger?... Can you raise your hand?... If your answer is yes, you can instantly escape anything from rape to severe attacks.... It's quick and easy." The product being mentioned here, pepper spray, almost never works this way in the real world.

One television commercial for a women's self-defense program promises "two-minute, guaranteed knockout using your feet. When your assailant tries to grab you, use the heel of your shoe to strike into his head over and over." Could you really learn to do this in two minutes? It takes years of training in karate or taekwondo to learn to effectively kick someone in the head, and even then, it's a risky move. It's just a marketing ploy to get your money.

If you buy a police radar detector that is guaranteed to work, but doesn't, the result is a speeding ticket. If you pay for "self-defense classes" or videos that don't deliver as promised, the result can be severe injury or even death. Relying on someone else's guarantee is only a false sense of security that will only have bad results!

Anti-crime gadgets, and martial arts self-defense programs marketed to women, are often too simplistic and come with unrealistic guarantees. The fact is, surviving crime requires far more mental toughness than physical abilities. Size, weight, conditioning, and upper-body strength don't make the difference. If they did, a lot of men would be in deep trouble. Crime survival takes tough-minded mental conditioning, the same for both men and women.

What Does Work

What works, as proved by the results of both police and military testing, is "realistic scenario training". Scenario training consists of learning techniques, rehearsing them in realistic scenarios, and then visualizing these actions in your mind. It is a method used in many fields, from sports to law enforcement, military to medicine.

Scenario training is a way of planning our responses. We do something similar every day in our regular lives. We plan what to say if the boss criticizes a report we've submitted, or how to appease our spouse if we've done something irritating. Often we actually rehearse the words we'll use, we do it constantly. It doesn't always get us what we want, but it gives us a better chance.

Face-to-face with violence, your first split-second problem is not what is he going to do, but, "what are you going to do?" Scenario training against violence answers that question at the right time... before it happens. You can make mistakes and learn from them before it becomes a life or death situation! Scenario training to survive violent crime draws on real-life crime cases, which allows us to analyze our own mistakes, as well as the mistakes of others, learn from them, and decide how we will respond differently.

Without realistic scenario training, people panic and freeze up; they have no way to cut through the overwhelming fear that boxes them in during a crisis. Everyone needs to train for the same scenarios, and everyone, men and women alike, need to train the same way: to develop the mental toughness needed to survive a real attack!


This is the bottom line that must be adopted by every woman, every women's self-defense teacher, and every parent of a daughter: If the how-to-survive-violence technique and advice is not acceptable to men, it's not acceptable to women.

Knowing how to handle yourself when confronted with violence is your only insurance against becoming a victim, or just another statistic in a police report. You have car insurance, home-owner's insurance, life insurance, health insurance...

What insurance do you have against being the victim of a violent crime? A long-term self-defense program offers the most comprehensive training, and therefore, the best opportunity to learn to handle almost any situation that may occur. However, if you don't have the time to commit to a long-term program, at least some form of weaponless self-defense training is better than none.

But women MUST practice techniques with MEN! The idea that women can learn to defend themselves against men, without training with men, is simply false.


Strong, Sanford - Strong on Defense; Simon & Shuster, Inc.; 1996

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Uniform Crime Report; 2000

Mark Jordan is a 6th Degree Black Belt in Budoshin Jujitsu, Vice-president of the American Ju-Jitsu Association, and a Certified Self-Defense Instructor with the International Association of Close Combat Professionals. You may find out how to contact him for training, or read more of his articles by visiting his website:

Friday, December 3, 2010

Philosophy of defence head

Hi all, this is called your Defense Minister and a note on the Philosophy behind self defense. It was recorded in an effort to bona mystify some self defense of tolerance, that some called stars martial training. Let us start on learning self defense is not on top of physical defense lesson (that we would like you to take a class). Self defence should not Daunt, because it's something that we must infliger in my mind: as a self defense instructeur I am perplexed name cavalier attitude some have about learning basic self defense techniques.

Think that nothing will ever happen because they live in a gated community, you have a husband and a martial arts background. Furthermore, the head of defence is not about martial arts move elaborate who take time to mémoriser.In addition, self defense is not about buying your weapons self defense products think only because you have pepper spray breastplate étourdir, Tasers, and you will not automatically protect. Weapons and products serve as a dissuasion, but is a bit that is missing.

Without a correct abonnement for all martial arts move, and defense lesson, and self defense products in the world have done nothing for you when it counts. Now let us talk about self defense is and should be. Self defense like the problem is in the middle ear ... The spirit: some of us have more hours by nature, so learn Base two night in self preservation, art martial training, you lesson self defense, should really be considered.Self defense is both have enough confidence to decide since the beginning of that you will not be a victim. know that we are all in the form of energy, to decide which kind of vibes you radiodiffusion to the world. In nature, looking from the prédateur faible based on positions, but there is no different.

For the most part, with less than honorable intentions will proie on all the people who were in display confidence or somebody Guide with confidence and like others straight in the eyes: so, what sort of man are you?One who knows we need to do something about have a correct, or proactive who decided not to put themselves under a victims are you?

In Xcellent Solutions LLC, we have a solution for your issue and you are to do about security and self defense to you and your family? décorées 10 years as a US up veterans and training all around the world in Jiujitsu, I want to help, and I had taken at all times correct and to purify only that really work and has created a system of simple yet effective technique one can learn my wrath is to help the men, women, and children learn simple technique, the more prepared if you should is an attack.

Xavier Smith
Founder, speaker, writer, Entrepreneur

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Self defense-8 Phases of a Self-strategy That effective training and programs

To have a far greater things missing from most martial arts, security on autodéfense is a estriktiye and systemized plan backed by the student on total and he needs. We can post and mental confusion autodéfense move in technical or mentally retarded prédéfini, or a different style of curriculum that sorts out and technical skills that students will learn at these levels, I say about is a formula or plan of action two areas that make up a system, in whom all real self protection of the Earth.

There is no 8 phases, elements, self defense for a strategy on all fronts.Every important Element in if you have several options possible also to speak many different threats and possible danger, but each case like a spare a global strategy that allows you freedom, address, and the ability to control and predict the flow of a dangerous situation, not just to handle it effectively if things get physical, but you will be able to.

1) there are many more options to seek bona escalate the situation in utiliser self defense is not physical

2) Used effective cover, secret and technical escape to avoid were attacked by an attacker, ....

3) Survive post trauma and possible legal problems may be as far as the consequences of a self defense

As I teach students serious I was looking for self defense maîtrise they knew if they are on the traditional art of ninjutsu the Ninja-on modern, rue against autodéfense, 8 Phases of a Self-strategy That effective training and programs.

1) General disability employment awareness- de sensibilisation and education;

the danger exist in the world, and you CAN touch
b: what sort of dangers that you have been given the opportunity to come on
c environnements., you will be most risque

2), The disability employment awareness heed to and observing elements and change.

the surroundings you (the weapons, obstacles, and danger exist or are available to you?)
b. action two others (which is done from the suspiciously, character, or is threatened to ouvertement?)
c and well-being. County (do you alert, healthy, and well you nervous, sick, distrait, without emotional crazy?)

3) Escaping for security- sensibilisation two and planification.

the physically safe environment of a dangerous
b, covering rest in a potential enemy
barrier use c. and other shields will keep you safe, since short arms, objets to income or other attack weapons

4) Psychological Distraction tactics- mental confusion you distraire otherwise against the ear to you like a goal you can do that in utiliser.

the current (such as faking a heart attack, etc.)
b. feigning (like that you don't hear your reading of it threats you orders) ignorance
c; used Immer (tell a joke you otherwise act as if the sound only play to you what you have too easy a target for all the people with him worth its efforts)

5) Dissuasion tactics- FIGI haters and direct, committed, verbal, and Language Arts visuels that both gave him a last chance to changed his mind, and communicate very clear that you will be a target difficult.will not allow it to continue with an attack on without resistance.

6) Physical self defense- used well and apply appropriate skills to avoid, and counter attacks assailant as bypass.

the, "5 D" of their own without effective defense strategy
3. b key effective action for their own poor
3. c Strategy Center for effective defensive action

7) Regagner composure and control- that Des and post trauma neutralisant effects-trouble you can know that your haters to you no choice but to take action that your 5 scenes. needed Unlike popular belief, as he generally apply in psychiatry and Adviser mondes, Sen. this goat is currently in existence and prepared to head defense action ever.

8) Defend against my nearest friends, Legal problems, is performing to a logical, rational, the strategic reason for internships 2 3.4 & 5, and use them before would be forced to resort physical action in stage 6 for self defense legal, you will not have to show what you have done everything in our power to avoid physical aggression if we really convince many members of the legal system, administrator in your place, you are not a martial artist or the student autodéfense because you "love".

I saw last year that most schools and programs to focus primarily on physical technical. While necessary, true warrior or professional experts understood that both the strategic thinking and has been the target of other konansyonel "" than seen in competitive fighting styles, allow for a sense of control situation physical technical alone may not be given.

For this reason I teach 8 these two Phases autodéfense the list every to several option.But every new level add technical tactics, and "intensity" to not in the first level there is a defensive response. understanding and control of this estriktiye, 8-stage plans give you a real sense of "maîtrise" and the ability to control and put an end to all sound would be attacked.

Do you want to learn more about the way, I will make it? I just completed my new ecourse marque autodéfense for success, "Foundations of Self Mastery, That"

Download it free here.And its own defence without

What if you could learn in time, rather than months you, more than the average karaté autodéfense student or not both remplissage, the mentally retarded, as military atmosphere? how? Follow simple, proven this system for defense.http://www.warrior-concepts-online.com

Jeffrey Miller teach individuals, organizations, and martial arts teachers how to life as a victim of domestic violence in a bad situation has fallen. Jeff "If you have a great to learn what you need to do a contraceptive pills, I can show you how to maître skills necessary to the success of self-defense against any guarantee.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Illegal Boxing DVD with Mark Hatmaker

Illegal Boxing DVD with Mark HatmakerCripple, Shock, And Cause Instant Blinding Pain And Nerve Damage To ANY Opponent You Use Them On!

These are the "stealth" moves the pro's use when the ref ain?t watching... or when it's "just you and me, buddy" in the street. Dirty, filthy, uncivilized tricks that will mess him up and teach him to fear You the very instant you use them!

Want a taste of what you're about to see? Check these filthy moves out:

* How to "soften him up" in the clutch with mini-head butts he won't see (and neither would a ref). Almost invisible illegal moves that will leave his head looking like a bruised banana. (And leave his brain ringing and slow.)
* "Nut cracker" moves that remove his child-bearing ability... even if he's wearing a steel-lined protective cup! (Very nasty, very effective.)
* Bust his ankle before he realizes you've moved. Soft tissue damage done with your thumbs that cause instant (and uncontrollable) panic! How the legendary bare-knuckle fighters like the great Jack Dempsey used "falling away" punches to put away larger opponents in a heartbeat.
* Maximum pain tricks that will take his mind off you... and force him to spend ALL his energy trying to get as far away from you as possible, as fast as possible! (Up to you if you let him.)
* "Corkscrew" elbow "insert" moves that turn missed punches into super-punishing "back slugs" that can end it right then and there. (He won't see it coming.) How to simply and easily rattle his skull so hard his brain will temporarily shut down in shock. (Great move against a larger and more cocky opponent!)
* Illegal ground moves that will CANCEL OUT all his superior grappling skills. (No one expects these filthy moves... but you can turn around a fight in a blink with them. Necessary if you're attacked from behind, or double-teamed.)


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Monday, November 29, 2010

Ladies Fashion Rhinestone Sunglasses Sun Glasses

Ladies Fashion Rhinestone Sunglasses Sun GlassesOur sunglasses are stylish and modern. They are high quality and lightweight. The frame is very durable and the lens protects your eyes from harmful sun rays.


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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Basic Self-defense Techniques for Women

Isshinryu Karate Master, Harold Long has taught over 40,000 people self-defense, and anti-rape clinics for women. And Master Long takes you through 44 Empty-Handed techniques.


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Friday, November 26, 2010

Commando Krav Maga Combat Surival 14 DVD Set

Commando Krav Maga Combat Surival 14 DVD SetTHE ULTIMATE SET- gives you a GREAT VALUE for your money. With this complete up to date library you will have 14 DVDs containing over 20 hours of high quality instruction and hundreds of devastating techniques. From dealing with strikers, grapplers, attacks with guns, knives and bats to multiple and surprise attacks be prepared for any life-threatening scenario!
You will get ALL of these: Commando Krav Maga (Levels 1-5), the Best of the Israeli Fighting Systems, Survive Vicious Ground Attacks, Survive Any Gun Confrontation, Street Survival and Combatant.

· Commando Krav Maga (Vol.1-5)
· Survive Vicious Ground Attacks (Vol.1&2)
· Survive Any Gun Confrontation (Vol. 1&2)

· Best Of The Israeli Fighting Systems (Vol. 1&2)
· Military Krav Maga (One Vol.)
· Street Survival (One Vol.)
· Combatant (One Vol.)


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Thursday, November 25, 2010

4 oz. Ounce Pepper Spray With Nylon Holster

4 oz. Ounce Pepper Spray With Nylon HolsterNEBO SUPER TACTICAL CSI Black Flashlight! The flashlight has strong aluminum body with waterproof construction and shock-proof bulbs. Very powerful LED white light (96,000 MCD) with incredibly long battery life with 3 AAA batteries included yet still fits inside your pocket because it's just 4 1/2 inches long. The flashlight has 15 powerful ultra bright LEDS and 10 ultra bright white LEDS and 5 green LEDS! The red laser is so strong that you can hit a target over 450 yards away and it's still a focused dot. SOS Emergency flash mode! Rear tactical multi function button! The night vision green is perfect for camping and hunting trips to see animals and insects in the dark without them seeing you! One push of the thumb button gives you the white light, the next push of the button gives you the green nite light, the next push of the button gives you the laser and the fourth push gives you a flashing strobe light! The light has a rear/cap button so the flashlight can be held with a strong full-hand grip and allows greater control and flexibility. The strobe is invaluable for situations where being seen is critical for either safety or rescue. Also notice that the face of the light has protruding semi-blunt edges that can do some serious damage to an attacker's body.Nobody wants to take a beating by this thing. Perfect for carrying in parking garages, sparsely populated buildings and other such potentially dangerous situations. The octagonal head and tail cap that prevent it from rolling off the table. NO OTHER FLASHLIGHT has all this in one small 4 1/2" long device and nothing else comes close to NEBO professional grade quality with this low price. Model #5085
Your item will be shipped thru USPS Priority Mail and carefully packed!


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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Paul Vunak The Enigma Set Street Fighting System

Paul Vunak The Enigma Set Street Fighting SystemYou Are Four Hours Away
From Becoming A Lethal Weapon
Using The Same System I Teach 13 Government Agencies.

I Will Teach You My System Of One Million Techniques Especially Designed for School Owners!!

I will share with you for the first time what I call my "Golden Goose Principle". This principle I developed has allowed me to give hundreds of seminars, publish many books and videos without ever having to repeat myself. This one tool alone will provide you with an endless well of knowledge which you can teach your students and use for a lifetime.


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Monday, November 22, 2010

Mace Pepper Foam

Mace Pepper FoamMace 10% Pepper Foam covers an assailant's face, making it difficult to see. When the attacker attempts to wipe away the foam, the pepper is ground into the face and eyes.


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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Personal Alarm

Personal AlarmDesigned to draw attention to any crisis, our 130db Personal Alarm is as loud as eight 100db alarms. The alarm is activated when the strap attached to the alarm pin is pulled. Travels easily on your belt or in your purse. The Door Alarm accessory converts the Personal Alarm into a portable door or window alarm. Great for home, hotel rooms, college dorms, etc. Uses a 9-volt battery.


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Friday, November 19, 2010

SUPER NEBO CSI 15 LED Black Tactical Laser Self Defense Flashlight!

SUPER NEBO CSI 15 LED Black Tactical Laser Self Defense Flashlight!NEBO SUPER TACTICAL CSI Black Flashlight! The flashlight has strong aluminum body with waterproof construction and shock-proof bulbs. Very powerful LED white light (96,000 MCD) with incredibly long battery life with 3 AAA batteries included yet still fits inside your pocket because it's just 4 1/2 inches long. The flashlight has 15 powerful ultra bright LEDS and 10 ultra bright white LEDS and 5 green LEDS! The red laser is so strong that you can hit a target over 450 yards away and it's still a focused dot. SOS Emergency flash mode! Rear tactical multi function button! The night vision green is perfect for camping and hunting trips to see animals and insects in the dark without them seeing you! One push of the thumb button gives you the white light, the next push of the button gives you the green nite light, the next push of the button gives you the laser and the fourth push gives you a flashing strobe light! The light has a rear/cap button so the flashlight can be held with a strong full-hand grip and allows greater control and flexibility. The strobe is invaluable for situations where being seen is critical for either safety or rescue. Also notice that the face of the light has protruding semi-blunt edges that can do some serious damage to an attacker's body.Nobody wants to take a beating by this thing. Perfect for carrying in parking garages, sparsely populated buildings and other such potentially dangerous situations. The octagonal head and tail cap that prevent it from rolling off the table. NO OTHER FLASHLIGHT has all this in one small 4 1/2" long device and nothing else comes close to NEBO professional grade quality with this low price. Model #5085
Your item will be shipped thru USPS Priority Mail and carefully packed!


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Thursday, November 18, 2010

BodyGuard Plus(R) Pepper Spray Value Pack

BodyGuard Plus(R) Pepper Spray Value PackIncludes 2 Self-Defense Pepper Spray Units--a Personal Size Keyring Unit that goes with you everywhere and a larger Home/Family Size unit that glows in the dark to easily find at night. Simply Point, Spray and Walk Away...Used worldwide by Law Enforcement. The only defense spray that includes 2 powerful, natural pepper extracts to stop attackers in their tracks!!


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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Qigong: Traditional Chinese Exercises for Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit [VHS]

Qigong: Traditional Chinese Exercises for Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit [VHS]Qigong is Chinese meditation in motion, an ancient healing art using posture, exercise, breathing, and concentration. This video shows you how to harness the power of qi--the energy of the universe--to heal body and mind. Qigong uses dynamic, gentle movements and meditative postures. The video starts with a warm-up of whole-body breathing. Then master instructor Ken Cohen teaches a selection of exercise sets to cleanse the body, recharge it with fresh qi, circulate qi where it is needed, and disperse stagnant areas. He also teaches a series of healing sounds and techniques of standing meditation and walking meditation, along with posture and self-massage. This is a fine introduction to qigong, with many months of learning in this one 90-minute video. The setting is outdoors and seems Asian, with rocks, greenery, and a wooden bridge. Informational booklet included. --Joan Price

Price: $19.95

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Monday, November 15, 2010


FlamethrowerFire it up with this high-quality military-grade flamethrower. Nothing cuts through jungle overgrowth, desert brush, or rapidly-advancing enemies like this miracle machine. Just strap it to your back, fill it with your choice of propane or natural gas, and get in gear. Caution: Do not attempt to smoke while using this product.

Price: $649.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shiseido Men Moisturizing Self-Tanner Healthy Look

Shiseido Men Moisturizing Self-Tanner Healthy LookPowerful science. Practical Skincare. A self-tanning emulsion for the face that produces an even, natural bronze color and provides moisture for a healthy vitalized look. Leaves no oily sensation and has a pleasant fragrance. Creates a natural-looking tan within a few hours without the sun. Formulated with Damage Defense Complex. Non-comedogenic. Dermatologist-Tested. Formulated to minimize the risk of allergy.

50 ml - 1.8 oz.


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Friday, November 12, 2010

Personal Safety Corp PDVP1 Pepper Defense Value Pak

Personal Safety Corp PDVP1 Pepper Defense Value PakContains a 1 2 oz. holster unit and a 3 4 oz. key ring unit. (10% organic pepper). Not available in Michigan.

Price: $9.79

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Am Not a Target!

I Am Not a Target!Studio: Bfs Ent & Multimedia Limi Release Date: 02/07/2006

Price: $14.98

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010


EnoughRidiculous, manipulative, and utterly irresistible, this push-button thriller instantly qualifies as a guilty pleasure, even when you know it's just a B-movie potboiler with moxie to spare. Taking a savvy clue from Ashley Judd's Double Jeopardy and any number of endangered-female melodramas from Hollywood's golden age, Jennifer Lopez stars as a blue-collar beauty who marries the really wrong guy (Billy Campbell). Eventually, of course, she discovers his philandering and spends the rest of the movie in nomadic flight from his hot-tempered brutality. Bankrolled by her estranged father (Fred Ward), she protects her young daughter, but knowing she must face the inevitable showdown with Campbell, she buffs up with Krav Maga self-defense courses and... well, we won't spoil the "surprise." With Campbell doing everything but twirl his mustache, this shameless provocation is beneath the talents of director Michael Apted, but with J. Lo in charge, it's a revenge fantasy that's guaranteed to please. --Jeff Shannon

Price: $14.94

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