Who Is This Guy???

The guy in the videos is Richard Grannon, a self defense online and offline instructor, who created the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ videos you can read about him here. Long story short, he studied marshal arts all of his life, and created a shortcut to the dirtiest street self defense techniques you can imagine.

If you are serious about learning the most ruthless, and dirtiest tricks in street fighting than the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ is your best option. In fact these teqniques are so ruthless, and dirty, that they won’t even allow them in MMA (Mixed Marshal Arts). Imagine that, EVEN the MMA, the most competitive, and dangerous sport on this PLANET, considers these moves as TOO MUCH.

Here’s what the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ has to offer:

DVD 1 is the foundation of this devastating system of Street Combatives
The Core Game plan
Training includes:

•An introduction to the Core Game Plan
•The Set Up – Setting your attacker up for a first strike
•SHOCK. Hit your attacker first and hit him hard
•BLAST. Deliver constant pressure to panic your attacker
•MAUL. Land heavy shots to drop your opponent
•CRUSH. Brutal and extremely dangerous fight finisher

DVD 2 gives detailed instructions in ‘dirty’ fighting techniques and shows you how to apply them in a street fight situation
Response to Common Attacks
Training includes:

•Foul Tactics- eye gouging, throat attacks, bites, to create fear and panic
•Head Controls- dominate your attacker by wrenching his neck and head
•Ripping – combine head controls and foul tactics to totally dominate your attacker
•Common Attacks – dealing with common street attacks preemptively and aggressively

Click Here To Visit The Official WebSite

Street Self Defense - Self Defense Online

Monday, October 18, 2010

3 Annoying myths in self defense

There are many myths and lies there. Unfortunately, I heard every martial artist is a victim of one or more of them. In this case, I am no different.

However, there are three large, that it was time to fool the people, therefore, in the hope of putting these myths, I show you today.

Annoying Myth # 1: have a unique Self defense style/courses

Forums ring with people arguing that self-defence was the ultimate self or this style is the ultimate self style these people often are cleverly coined the Warriors Forum.

These people often affiliate marketers a specific course or just wannabe martial artist, many of which have never been in a serious fight in their lives. No wonder so many people leave comments.

To tell the truth when you want to define a style of self-defense, many things come into play. What is the size you? how strong are you? What's your learning style?All these things come into play when determining the best way for you.

You should also look at how well schools do students.

Remember when you are looking for a good self defense schools, you don't need to find the best. It's come a long way of life.You just need to find a good school, will show you how to get the job done to protect ourselves. thats all.

Once you get to that, then, only if you want, you can start searching for schools that can help your applications, because you'll know what to look for.

So in a nutshell, instead of searching for the ultimate style, simply focus on finding a style that you think works well for you, and schools where teachers are a good Communicator, which answers your questions, and students are good fighters.

Annoying Myth # 2: can become fatal commandos in just a few days in the course of Defense take-home!

You may have seen their ads in magazines or on the Internet.Some top secret law enforcement or military guy tells you that they have a finite top secret self that will transform you into a super soldiers of the army in days. Even when you get them that you will not live advertising.

Again we are attacking the self-defence courses take home.There are some very goods ones out there, when used in conjunction with live martial arts training can really help you improve your overall method.

However, when an artist scam claims that their course can be impossible results with very little training, you have to wonder: our opinion is when you see these suggestions, dont get over-excited. they may have some very valid tips, but anything that will make you a man or a woman.

So again, martial arts, learning from school mixed with take home self-defence courses can be very good if you get the right one.But take home self-defense courses without proper training, from school is often incomplete and leave you unawares in real life death situation.

Annoying myth # 3: your second hand is your best self defense weapon

This myth is absolutely ridiculous and makes me angry, more than anything this myth claims that there is no better weapons self defense than your own two hands and feet.And for me, not sillier myth than that.

For those who are self dreamers ' Champagne and caviar dreams who thinks that this empty hand control is the only way to go, let me highlight ...

You are walking down the street where the attacker tells you to get in the car. you tell them, I don't think so and put up your Dukes.The attacker Then pulls out a gun.Who will win?

I can almost guarantee you won't get you.

Now, if you explicitly pass in the art of unarmed combat through military, law enforcement and martial arts you're chances are much better than this, however, these people know and understand the importance of using more than just your hands and feet.

Now I am not mistaken, any empty hand battle is an excellent idea.Conditions, it shows you how to effectively protect themselves.But an empty hand fighting can only be used as the absolute latest defense.

However, you can use the most effective weapon of self-defence is not your hands or feet or anything else for that matter the most effective weapon of self-defence is your brain in other words the same good old style.

Think about it for a second if you had the opportunity to choose how to stop criminal dead in its tracks, I'm sure you could think about 3 or 4, which may be more effective, then just use your bare hands.

For example you think using a taser gun to stop them dead in their tracks. or you can use pepper spray shoot at 6 metres you could hit them with a stun gun and run, or you can choose how the heck a stone or brick and throw it at them.

You see, we have in mind?

Too many people think that peace is a Kung Fu movie, which really isn't real thugs not only hurt you, they will kill you, and they don't care about your abilities or not empty hand so you have to do a legal stack chances of survival in your favor.

But what happens if someone takes away my arms self?

Well there is a possibility that this could happen, but then again, educating themselves self-defense products can greatly reduce the chances of you damage if it happens for instance did you know that the majority of stun guns should disable pin, once removed device inoperable? which means that they could never use your stun gun against you.

You may think that having the advantages of shockers on you far, far outweigh the disadvantages of not having anything to protect themselves.

I think the ultimate brain shockers. She's so doorway from difficult situations, if you find yourself in a situation where someone takes you self Defense weapons away, do not come with them. throw it in their face. use it for your leverage and always, always run as if your life depends on it, because in fact it does.

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