Who Is This Guy???

The guy in the videos is Richard Grannon, a self defense online and offline instructor, who created the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ videos you can read about him here. Long story short, he studied marshal arts all of his life, and created a shortcut to the dirtiest street self defense techniques you can imagine.

If you are serious about learning the most ruthless, and dirtiest tricks in street fighting than the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ is your best option. In fact these teqniques are so ruthless, and dirty, that they won’t even allow them in MMA (Mixed Marshal Arts). Imagine that, EVEN the MMA, the most competitive, and dangerous sport on this PLANET, considers these moves as TOO MUCH.

Here’s what the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ has to offer:

DVD 1 is the foundation of this devastating system of Street Combatives
The Core Game plan
Training includes:

•An introduction to the Core Game Plan
•The Set Up – Setting your attacker up for a first strike
•SHOCK. Hit your attacker first and hit him hard
•BLAST. Deliver constant pressure to panic your attacker
•MAUL. Land heavy shots to drop your opponent
•CRUSH. Brutal and extremely dangerous fight finisher

DVD 2 gives detailed instructions in ‘dirty’ fighting techniques and shows you how to apply them in a street fight situation
Response to Common Attacks
Training includes:

•Foul Tactics- eye gouging, throat attacks, bites, to create fear and panic
•Head Controls- dominate your attacker by wrenching his neck and head
•Ripping – combine head controls and foul tactics to totally dominate your attacker
•Common Attacks – dealing with common street attacks preemptively and aggressively

Click Here To Visit The Official WebSite

Street Self Defense - Self Defense Online

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You know what type of self defense techniques and training to defend yourself?

One of the biggest mistakes you can make to learn how to protect themselves is just take someone's Word. Regardless of whether the person you are talking about wearing a black belt around his or her waist is 600 degree POO-Tic Tac Toe in, or is the creator of the latest, greatest, "kill-'em one finger" self-defence course you must take responsibility for insuring that you get the kind of self defense techniques that really save your, you know that when it's time!

This article sheds some light on one piece of knowledge that you need so you can be sure that you're not trying to learn self-defense from some guy who just has a few ideas, but never really "there" to prove that his stuff works!I cannot guarantee, that after you read this, you'll discover "wanna-be" from the real thing when it comes to defence experts but at least you'll know where to start learning to insure you view methods of self-defence, which would coincide with the types of attacks, you'll likely encounter!

And before you go in this lesson, you further, let's set the record straight that ...

Self-defence is not the same as "struggle"!

It's funny, but when I was a COP, and I'm pulling two guys off each other, whenever they would tell me that they just "protect yourself!", funny.You looked like you fought. This means that none of you looked like you were trying to get from others!

And that same mentality prevails in the world of self-defense. Every guru seems to be "self-defense" book, video or software.However, if you look closely at the lesson being taught that you see from fighting for beating someone not escape.

However, if we talk about self-defense, we must include the context in which we protect ourselves we should also look for things like why we were attacked by whom and with what attacks or weapons.

I mean that in order to understand and be able to search for the right of self-defence techniques for you, you need to ask the question, "what are the conditions or circumstances I might be attacked?"

Here are a few types of self-defence paradigms. each one comes with its own set of needs, strategies, tactics and goals and these things in themselves identify the "warm" methods of self-defence.

1) Self Defense for police officers and armed guards.

Self Defense for 2) bodyguards and Executive protection specialists.

** The above two types require almost completely the opposite when it comes to training, by the way!

3 Self Defense) for the average citizen.(This can also be subdivided and classified enable self defense for women, rape and defence for children)

Although there are common principles and concepts that are universal, regardless of who you are, the fact remains that if you really want to learn the types of methods of self-defence, which you should be able to protect themselves against your most likely attacker, who threw his likely attack ...

..inexpensive must first know who it is before you even begin!

Effective self-defense requires more than just a little "Karate moves."It implies the ability to think strategically and see how you can protect yourself with a little wear and tear on you as soon as possible.

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