Who Is This Guy???

The guy in the videos is Richard Grannon, a self defense online and offline instructor, who created the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ videos you can read about him here. Long story short, he studied marshal arts all of his life, and created a shortcut to the dirtiest street self defense techniques you can imagine.

If you are serious about learning the most ruthless, and dirtiest tricks in street fighting than the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ is your best option. In fact these teqniques are so ruthless, and dirty, that they won’t even allow them in MMA (Mixed Marshal Arts). Imagine that, EVEN the MMA, the most competitive, and dangerous sport on this PLANET, considers these moves as TOO MUCH.

Here’s what the ‘Six Seconds of Extreme Violence’ has to offer:

DVD 1 is the foundation of this devastating system of Street Combatives
The Core Game plan
Training includes:

•An introduction to the Core Game Plan
•The Set Up – Setting your attacker up for a first strike
•SHOCK. Hit your attacker first and hit him hard
•BLAST. Deliver constant pressure to panic your attacker
•MAUL. Land heavy shots to drop your opponent
•CRUSH. Brutal and extremely dangerous fight finisher

DVD 2 gives detailed instructions in ‘dirty’ fighting techniques and shows you how to apply them in a street fight situation
Response to Common Attacks
Training includes:

•Foul Tactics- eye gouging, throat attacks, bites, to create fear and panic
•Head Controls- dominate your attacker by wrenching his neck and head
•Ripping – combine head controls and foul tactics to totally dominate your attacker
•Common Attacks – dealing with common street attacks preemptively and aggressively

Click Here To Visit The Official WebSite

Street Self Defense - Self Defense Online

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Self-defense for women-why most programs are not

Women's self defense items constantly in news and hot topic for conversation. It seems that every police officer Karate Instructor has its own philosophy and theories about how and why of self-defense for women and girls.

Although it is true that many of the same methods and tactics to teach men to defend itself just won't work for women, why? ...

...Because attacks on women, on their basis, certain specific problems, issues and conditions, which are often very different men who find themselves in situations of women forced into defensive. things that, frankly, not men.

If that's what you're really concerned about, you owe it to yourself to do some serious research to get more information about the real world self defense for

women built around issues relating specifically to women's self-defense.

Now before you start rolling of the eyes or nodding their heads, it's not a matter of lib for women or anything like it just the way it is.

What are the things distinguish self defense for women?I'm glad you asked.

Well for starters, physiologically speaking, is the ratio of the strength of k-7-3 between male and female.This means that if you had to be men and women, having the same height, weight, build, side-by-side, and all things considered (health, fitness, etc.) ...

...people will still be two and a half times stronger than a woman!

This is not theory or one man convinced others this scientific fact.

Further, women are more likely to hit, grabbed and pinned than fists and feet. For men this is just the opposite: the fact is that most of us were due from childhood, play, and, Yes, to fight sex very differently and attackers are no different.

The good news is that more and more women are lives by increasing the benefits of martial arts and self-defense programs to increase their level of self-confidence and a sense of security. That is, and not-so-good news ...

...There is a shortage:

* Martial arts instructors understand scientific defense, and life experience to teach from the perspective that shares this experience.

After all...

...If your instructor has never been in the real world of self-defence situation by itself, it will make it virtually impossible for them to teach real self-defense to anyone-not to mention self defense for women.It's kind of like going to the priest Advisor for marriage counseling, who have never been married. They both have information passed to another, but in any case did not express this information based on real word knowledge.

However, there is a predominance of ...

...the so-called self-defense experts who are tough guy, fighter type or "reality-deal with it! macho type.

These people are, by their very nature are "slugger" types that rely on speed, strength and size of the win.Since self-defence situations usually include a bigger, faster, stronger by an attacker, victimization smaller, less developed trust – and that '' s sexactly that most women are against you attacked ...

...These instructors and their "first-strike-and-crush-them-where-are-stand mentality, knowledgeable, far from being perfect or are able to deliver the necessary lessons necessary for women to protect themselves from the assailant, intent to dominant them physically.

Other considerations for girls

The following is a partial list of some of the other major difference between self defense for women and men.The main thing to remember is that ...

... self-defense situation is very different from sports or a contest on a competitive basis where the willingness of participants to insure They are evenly matched. "just cause".I was in competitions and I have been attacked, and I can tell you without any moment doubt that ...

...There is nothing "fair" or "even" a real attack. NOTHING!And once your personal space is invaded by the other person wants to beat you to your core, you'll know what I mean and never, ever buy crap that most of these so called experts shovelling.

With that said please know that I did not say that every self defence or martial arts instructor is full of it.Just what you need to know what you need and make sure you are getting.Remember, you don't buy a sofa, you can take back the error in this area is literally could cost you your life!

Here are some other differences between men and women in training, good program must address:

* Cultural impact-girls are taught from a very young age that the fighting lady not as. "

Oh my God! whatever people think!

* Situational Self-rape and sexual abuse are two of the main differences between men and women when it comes to suriviving attacks.

The fact that men usually are more obvious situations (Street and competitive (Yes Yes! go! "-The type of fighting), while women and more and more young girls to handle subtle tactics as date rape or ambushed by groups.

Add to that the number of differential discussed earlier, and you have a very different situations that require very different self-defense tactics.

* Incorrect data-I believe that the majority of teachers and trainers is good and they are not out to con you. it's just that they don't have real experience to go on, so they are doing that everyone makes when they don't know better ...

...they make assumptions that seem logical and rational, within their terms of reference.

The problem is that we are talking here of self-protection.

...self defense for women ...

...girls self-defense. ...

...vegetable soup. where if you make a mistake, you can just dump the pot and start over.

As I said earlier, the error situation self-defense for women in any situation demanding protection against an attack from attackers intentionally hurt you, can be very costly indeed.


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